Wednesday, August 31, 2011

8 Things to do with Your Children During A Hurricane....and During the Aftermath

So....a lot of you have already heard me bitch.  Its not that I lost power (because I didn't - I was lucky).  Its not about losing the Internet (because we don't subscribe to it at the house - that's why I pay more money for a smart phone).  Its not even that I can't watch the latest episode of Jersey Shore because my cable is out (because a. I don't watch Jersey Shore and 2. I didn't lose cable). bitch is about alllllll those assholes who didn't prepare for the storm, to be without power for 3-4 days like all the media "hyped it up" and are now complaining that their respective utility departments aren't moving fast enough.  I could go on again about my thoughts on the subject...but its a fight not worth battling.

Instead, I bring you, 8 fun things you could do with your children during a hurricane and the aftermath.  Realistically, these are thing you SHOULD be doing with your children ANYWAY.....but I digress....

1) READ with them.  During the day, there is sunlight.  Sunlight helps you see the words on the pages.  The pages do not require electricity.  Your children don't like to read??   Tough shit.  You're the parent, they're the children, make them read.  Its good for them.  They'll thank you later.

2) BUILD a fort.  No, I don't mean throw a blanket over a chair and call it a day.  I mean a state of the art fort involving SEVERAL blankets and chairs and clothes pins and flashlights and tunnels ans whatever the hell else you can think of.  Chances are you'll do most of the building but in 4 hours, your child will have a pretty sweet pad to sleep in for the night.

3) COLOR with your young children.  PAINT with them.  Pretend you're a world famous artist and teach them how to do like you do.  Have THEM teach YOU.  Have painting contests like: who can paint the prettiest flower or biggest truck - but with their eyes closed....with their left hand....

4) BUILD a cardboard city.  What is a cardboard city you ask?  Its exactly what it sounds like dumbass.  Cereal boxes, oatmeal containers....anything that's chillin' in the recycling container you brought inside so it doesn't blow away...instantly becomes something in your city.  Then, drive matchbox cars around your city.  Your child doesn't have matchbox cars?  Shame on you.  You fail as a parent.

5) PLAY dress up.  They put on your clothes....can you put on theirs???  Have a contest.  Who can put on the most pairs of pants at one time? 

6) START your Christmas list.  I have a shit load of fliers in my recycling (again, you brought it inside anyway remember?) that advertise everything from food to clothes to toys to Keurigs....{{Hint hint}}

7) PLAY shadow games.  As the day comes to an end, your house will get dark.  If you were prepared you have flashlights.  Do you know how to make shadow puppets?  Either do I.  Make it up.  Who the hell cares??

8) In the days after the storm, there are going to be SEVERAL people you know - maybe not well - but you know them - who require assistance.  Get out with your children and HELP them.  Maybe an elderly neighbor's yard needs cleaning up.  Perhaps you have power but someone you know doesn't and won't for God knows how long - make them dinner and invite them over for a literal shit, shower, and shave.  I mean, you don't have to help with ALL those items...obviously....but a house with running water and a warm cooked meal is like gold right now.  Are you sharing?  If you all don't have power, gather the neighbors all up, light up your grill, and have a cookout.  You're not going to work, your kids don't have school, and the food is going to go bad anyway, right?

I'm leaving with a positive thought: “The happiest people I have known have been those who gave themselves no concern about their own souls, but did their uttermost to mitigate the miseries of others.” - Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Social Activist

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

8 Things I Learned This Week

So, this week I learned some interesting information.  Information I wouldn't consider highly intelligent, however very entertaining.  Here are 8 bits of said information.

1.  When you are considered the "nice" manager and you suddenly have to grow a set and tell your employees "You guys really need to stop shit chatting.  I don't know if you're aware but there are 26 boxes of shipment in the back that HAVE to get processed TODAY.  There's no time for socializing today," no matter what tone is used, you might as well have said, "Hey assholes.  Shut the fuck up and get to work because I'm not doing this shit all by myself," because that's the attitude response you get in return.

2. If you leave a buffalo chicken wrap on the arm of the couch and walk away, Maddie will eat it.  And then, when you do it again 4 days later, Maddie will in fact, eat it again. 

3.  Maddie prefers her kibble with a Tbsp of buffalo sauce and 2Tbsp of ranch dressing.

4. When you are in the shower on a Wednesday night around 9pm, and the fireworks at Mohegan Sun begin, it not only sounds like someone put a pair of work boots in the dryer, but it will also scare the crap out of you.

5. Neighbor C's house has been surprisingly quiet lately...its because   Just FYI.

6. If you've ever had DCF called on you, you know that it sucks.  If you have nothing to hide its not bad because you know you're in the right.  Its just a pain in the ass.  If you've ever had to report someone to DCF you know that it is just a nerve wracking because as the reporter, you're not always kept in the loop.  If you've ever had to call DCF on a family member, you might as well pour the liquor while you're on the phone with them because you feel like an ass and an ogre the whole time....even if you know its the right thing to do.  I understand now the conflict it leaves you with when you are the caller.....

7. Assholes seem to flock to me.  The other day Lil and I stopped in Stop & Shop for a few items and a lady, quite intoxicated, kept hitting me on the arm behind me in line telling me to "hurryitup lady.  I gotta be paces."  Sure lady.  I'll step it up if you sober up.  Deal?

8. Finally, the saying "when the cats are away the mice will play" has never rung more true.  Lilly knows damn well she's only allowed to text so many times and make so many phone calls.  She also knows she is supposed to be in bed between 7:30 and 8:30 depending on both that day's activities and tomorrow's.  She called me just a few minutes ago....from Mimi's house...neither Mimi nor Grandpa knew she was up much less on the phone.....grrrr.....

That's all I have for tonight.  I made "Jam Surprise muffins" tonight because Gram wanted a jelly donut.  This was a close as I could get on short notice.  I'm going to go eat 2.....goodnight.

Neighbor C update....

Thought my followers might like this: Neighbor C's....whatever you wanna call him...and his current legal standings.

Oh good Lord.