Wednesday, October 12, 2011

12 Days on the Cape

As most of you know by now, I just spent 12 days in Cape Cod.  Hyannis to more specific.  How do you know this?  Because I let you know REPEATEDLY on Facebook while I was up there.  If you didn't know I went, well, then you follow me on here but aren't on Facebook...ever. 

My first  "day" on the Cape involved me taking my rental car - a 2011 Doge Caliber - to the new rue21 store in the Cape Cod Mall (well, the parking lot), being handed the keys to the store gate that couldn't be pulled down because we didn't have a gate hook....or a window front yet....and then heading to Main St with a few other store managers for dinner.  Yup.  That's it. 

So Saturday morning started with everyone meeting in the new store to "take the truck" which basically means hard physical labor of unloading a 53' tractor trailer box by box by box until the truck is empty.  Then...the rest of the weekend was kind of boring...unpacking boxes...folding, hanging, sensoring product...basically making the store look like a store.  Oh, Monday too.  13 hours a day for 3 days.....needless to say, I was a cranky bitch.  Luckily for all involved, I managed to land the "extra" room as there were an odd number of females on the trip and I was there the longest.  Kari from Albemarle, NC was there for 6 days, everyone else 3-4, I was there for 12...I BETTER get the solo room.  This is what it looked like:

My home away from Home.  Those mattresses were like fluffy clouds they were so soft and squishy...sounds glorious...unless you're like me and have a bad back....

On Tuesday, I was fortunate to have the day off.  So what did I do with myself?  I did what anyone would do when being paid to be in Cape Cod with a day off and 70 degree weather in October - I hopped the ferry to Martha's Vineyard, took the bus to the southwestern most point on the island where the bus only comes once every 2 hours....and hid for 4 hours.  Hahahahahahahah!!!!!  Suckas!

The sight rolling into the harbor.

My bus ride view heading down to Gay bus driver was
a volunteer fire fighter.  Awesome-sauce.

View from Gay Head.

The lighthouse at Gay Head.

Walking onto the was 70 October...did I mention this already?

As you can see, Martha's Vineyard in the off season is VERY crowded.

Ahhh yes....working very hard.  Thank you rue21!

Ok, so Wednesday I came back to  reality and subsequently back to work.  Which wasn't supposed to be until 4pm.  I went in at noon and lucky for me....they - the Regional Director of the company, the District Manager, and all the visiting support staff, were breaking for lunch...on the RD's ticket.  "Hey Carrie!  Want to join us?"   I contemplating declining.  You know, I had the day off the day before, technically I wasn't even supposed to be there....but really?  Who in their right mind would refuse a lunch you're being invited to by your boss and your boss's boss???  So I went.  It was so tasty.  We ate at Joe's.  I had the California Bacon Blue pizza....Kari (from Albemarle) had the Buffalo Chicken Pizza...I took both left overs home (well, to the Holiday Inn).

After lunch, I returned to the store, helped put the finishing touches on the store and attended the new store staff meeting.  Every new store opening we do a video that introduces the staff.  As luck would have it, I didn't HAVE to participate.  But, there was also a new fragrance launch corresponding to this opening and they needed a I am:

I know..INTENSE right??? 

Thursday marked the opening of the new rue21, store #1058's my windows:

Looks good right???  Thanks. :-)  First time I executed windows BY MYSELF!  Woohoo!  (I know that sounds a little lame but if you work in retail, you get it - you need a second set of hands most of the time).

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday was kind of a blur.  I was the "acting store manager" in a town I was quickly learning wasn't all sunshine and roses in the off-season....I had to learn new tasks by myself and then communicate those skills to a limited staff....hire new employees and communicate with the Home Office with a down fax machine to work with...issues with the alarm company, that apparently, didn't like the fact that I was a visiting manager with limited security knowledge...issues with the contractors...issues with IT....issues with teenagers as was, at best, overwhelming, but I managed. 

Tuesday, I went into the store for the last time as the big guy...or gal...and received a coffee from one employee and a butterfinger bar (MY FAVORITE!!!!) from another.  Oh, and hugs.  THEY LIKED ME!  THEY REALLY LIKED ME!!!  Lol.   I was loved there but, it wasn't home.  And I needed to be home.  So, I left 1058 and prayed like hell that they swam...didn't sink...and met my baby at home.

Apparently I am loved at home too because Kelsey and Jared came over, and put this little number together with Lilly:

Notice the caution tape...and my dilapidated house officially looks like an abandoned home.

And then, after dinner, I was presented with cake.  That Lilly and my mom baked together....and Lilly decorated:

Best freakin' cake I've ever been given!

So that's it folks!  Next up is a bunch of hours at the store.  Followed by some fun fall festivities....Sunday actually, Lilly and I are heading to Pumpkin Town. Then, at the end of the month, we're off to DC! 

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