Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Random Thoughts from my Brain Tonight

Tonight is one of those nights when my brain is flooded with completely random thoughts.  Here, I will share a few.

First, I worked tonight and Tim felt it necessary to sing Britney Spears...outloud...and now I too, am singing Britney Spears. Here, have a listen:

Second, I disclosed some fairly private information to said Tim tonight...not because I felt he needed to know more than anyone else, but because I had to tell SOMEONE. It was one of those tidbits of information that were it as simple as "I won $1,000,000" you'd shout it from the roof tops but you can't really say anything yet, so the first person you see that you trust gets to be secret keeper. He better keep it secret....

Third, I promised Lilly that I wouldn't clean her room. That's right - I'm going to leave the massive piles of stuff exactly as is until she returns because "it's her room", and she can, "leave it a hot mess with toys everywhere", if she wants too. THIS IS KILLING ME! I CAN'T STAND IT! UGH!!!!

Fourth, I JUST realized Idol was on tonight and I missed it. That blows. I actually kind of like it this season. I missed it last week too. Ugh.

Fifth, I think I'm going running tomorrow morning if anyone would like to join me. Say....10 o'clock? Nothing big....30 minutes and home again. Let me know.

34897256038465, I bought gas today for the Jeep. I usually fill it at a half but I let it run allllll the way down this week. $78 later....Friggin' Jeep. Can't wait to get rid of it.
OK, I think I'm done. Lissa, I'm sorry this is a lame post.

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