Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Forgive me followers....

...for I have not blogged.  It's been 18 days since my last entry, and I have sinned many times.  WHAT THE HELL AM I WRITING???  Good Lord.  Its 11:30 at night, I can't sleep because I'm pumped about, you ready for this ridiculousness, my run tomorrow at 6:30 in the morning.  WHAT???  Who in the hell loses sleep because they're excited about going running?  Is somebody chasing me? No.  Is there a prize at the end? No.  THEN WHY AM I GOING RUNNING AT THE ASS CRACK OF DAWN???  Because I like it.  Yup.  OK, so really, I hate the sweating and the panting like a dog because I can't breathe part, but I LOVE the part when I can all of a sudden breath just fine, the pain goes away, and I feel like I could go for miles and miles....until I can't.  That's when I stop.  When the runner's high wears off - its time to STOP RUNNING! 

I've picked up some good tricks.  Keep talking to yourself.  Sing.  Sing right along with the music.  Britney Spears usually helps although truthfully, she doesn't really sing that much and it kinds of gets annoying.  Anything upbeat with lots of lyrics is good.  Also, pretend you're famous and the paparazzi are following you and if you stop running, they'll mock you and scoff at you for MONTHS!  You don't want scoffing do you? NO YOU DON'T! So keep running Sally and eventually you'll get the hang of it...or you'll keel over and someone will call 911 and save you ...either way....JUST KEEP GOING!!! 

I've gained quite a bit of other things other than paparazzi tricks though.  My legs are stronger, my ass is firmer, AAANNNNDDDD I sleep better...well, except for tonight...because of the anticipation of tomorrow....but you get the idea.  8 hours every night, a solid breakfast, and a 2-4 mile run depending on the weather/heat/time...and I'm good to go!

So, you gonna join me????

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