Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Sounds of Summer.....

Nothing says "summer" quite like birds chirping, cicadas doing what they do......unless you live near me.  In which case, every Wednesday night courtesy of Mohegan Sun you hear fireworks and courtesy of Neighbor C, you hear drunken rantings and attempts at singing love songs to your baby mama that ultimately end up with fighting and a felony arrest.  Ah yes, summer on Nordon Ave. 

Anywho, last night, as you guessed, Neighbor C was arrested.  I thought maybe for being drunk and disorderly but I don't know.  All we heard as we were NOT purposely listening through Lilly's bedroom window, was "Come on man...itsjusta breach of peace man", to which the officer replied, "Try a felony dumbass."  I really kinda want to know what in fact, he did.  Then again, in situations such as this, less is sometimes more.  Ya know? ((I tried to find the police log on this arrest but it's not in the paper - must have booked him after midnight))

Also last night, on a completely different topic, my dog did the strangest thing.  She "tells us" all the time she has to go out.  She'll come up to either me or my mom and kind of half bark half whine and that means "Open the door, I hafta poop".  Well last night she did it but when we went to the back door she stopped cocked her head, made the noise again and walked over to Gram and nudged her leg.  I thought this meant, "You come too" because the Sun had just set off their fireworks and maybe she was scared.  Nope.  It meant "I want to go for a run".  WHAT?  Yup.  She ran tot he front door where she has a long leash tied to the porch so I hooked it up and wen ton the porch with her.  Well, she kept pulling at it and looking at me like 'come down the grass" so I untied her and took her to the yard.  Mind you, I was in pajama pants and a glasses...  Well, Maddie started walking toward the road so I thought well, a little stroll around the block will be fine.  And then she started running.  And wouldn't stop.  Until we RAN barefoot around the block and home again.  Once home and inside she curled up on the couch and went to sleep.  Darn dog wanted to go running!  Who woulda thunk it?!

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