Friday, July 1, 2011

The Life and Times of a Retail Manager

**Disclaimer - there is a little profanity in here**

So, if you've never worked in retail, just like any other subject, if you don't know about it, leave your opinions and comments at the door.  Remember last week when I posted to stand by about the one-armed gorilla....and "what the eff did you just say to me?" - yeah.  Welcome to my life.

So, since I was 16 years old, I have worked in customer service in some capacity or another.  Beit Bros. Supermarket, Gap, Gymboree, (EMS and firefighting get 1/2 star each...).  I know a thing or two about customer service.  And yes, generally speaking, the customer is always start throwing shit at me calling me a bumbling idiot who clearly doesn't have a brain and that's why I am a piss ant sales associate at some cheap, low budget, trashy store.  ((This is where the "What the fuck did you just say to me comes in...))  Now, Old Carrie would have flipped out.  I mean FLIPPED THE FUCK OUT.....but New Carrie doesn't use profanity when in a professional setting 'cause that's not the correct action to take.  Nope.  New Carrie took a deep breath and said, "Eh hmm...well, I can see that you're upset with something I either did or said so I'm going to give you a minute to cool off and find another manager to help you.  In the mean time why don't you sit down because I'm assuming you're all kinds of stressed out because I don't have jeans that come large enough to fit you because you've had 6 kids in the last 5 years and judging by the way they're running amok in the store right now and you're alone with 6 kids shopping, I'm also assuming they all stress you out because you're doing all by yourself.  I'll get ya a drink too," and walked away.  Bitch's blood HAD to have been boiling.  Amazingly the stupid ass kept shopping and actually made a purchase.  Well, I happened to have just finished up a phone call and so I was standing at the cash wrap when she checked out.  Park of my job is to sell fragrance.  It's what our company markets to EVERY customer.  Well, damned if I didn't have THE perfect opportunity to give this bitch a little more of her own medicine.  "Oh I'm so glad you found something that fit you.  You should really add one of these fun, fruity fragrances on.  The price can't be beat and after the crazy day you've had, I bet you're sweatin' a lil (wearing a crocked smile...the whole time....using that condescending, smart-ass, bitch tone) and brewing up a little funk - ya know what I mean???  I'm not sure what's in these bottles of smelly stuff though, ya know - chemically, even though I have a dual degree in Biology and Biochemistry....we never really focused on the chemical make up of cheap, low budget, trashy perfume when I was in college, nor did I have time to discover it on my own what with the heavy course load, maintaining a 4.0 average while working full-time and raising a now 8 year old.  Maybe I should do that when I get my master' any event, one bottle or 2?"  Fuckin' bitch.  Get the hell out of my store.

I don't have anything else.  I think this post sells picture needed.

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