Thursday, March 10, 2011

And so it begins.

So we walk into the health fair, Kim, Lissa, and myself, and immediately sign up for the door raffle prizes. I tell Kim that she entered twice and she's not allowed to win. Moving on, we try the dip, drop it on the floor, take information for yoga classes that we'll never go to and then we saunter over to the lotion lady. Kim and Lissa have the oily skin problem but I have the dry skin. Very much like an alligator. A huge, heavy, pissed off, dry alligator. Figures. Why can't I be a soft, cuddly bear...nah, then I'd be hairy and fat and let's face it, that's way less attractive than a pissed off alligator. So Kim and Lissa take their oily skin and I my dry skin, and we head down for the free massage. Yup. Free. AWESOME!!! As we're sitting there waiting, the names are drawn for the (11) door prizes. Kim won one...even though in my book she totally cheated...and Lissa won one...and I'm waiting for my name (because there are about 15 people there total) and....nothing. Come to find out there were 12 people there - guess who was the 12th one and only person not to receive a door prize?? Yup. Me. So at the end of the day I was "a day late and a dollar short" only.......a prize-less, dry-skinned, pissed off alligator. And so begins the story of my

1 comment:

  1. In my defense, I was pregnant- therefore I was technically 2 people, right?!?!? LOL
