Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Today was a very bizarre day for me. But, in order to tell my story, there needs to be some back story.

So, I'll reference the Maddie story from My Sister Karma.....you know, the one where I tell you the dog is friggin' crazy and has eaten all my shoes? So the other day I ran into TJMaxx and found a cute pair of Nine West heels for like $10. I needed them for Grape's (Todd's grandmother, Nana the Great, or Grape to Lilly) funeral. So, $10 heels in hand, I left the store. Ok, so with the heels I planned on wearing a *classic* black sleeveless dress with tights. The tights I got at the Gap (duh) for $4.50. The dress, I've had but haven't fit into since I had Lilly....8 years ago.

Also, we need to know that I have a friend named Martha. We've been friends for 15 years now. We swam together in 1996 at NFA and then reunited through the East Great Plain and Laurel Hill fire departments in Norwich. We worked together at Groton Ambulance and Gap.

Ok. Back to today. So I needed to leave this morning by 9:30am in order to get coffee and gas, and make it to Grape's funeral by 11. Well, my dress fit perfectly, except I couldn't zip it myself...I'm not a contortionist. So then I opened my tights, and.....big hole in them. Great. It's 38 degrees and I'm in my pretzel dress and hole-filled tights. So then I grab my shoes and ling story short, the right shoe is smaller than the left one. Great. Great great great. Ugh....so I get in the car go to get my coffee (which I get successfully with my handy dandy D&D card) and head to the had station...only to discover that my debit card...is at the gap in my locker with a few other things I out there yesterday while working so I wouldn't forget them. That worked out well right? So I'm now wearing shoes that are too small, in holey tights, with my dress half zipped and driving with less than a 1/4 tank of gas. So I stop at my mom's shop (because gap is 20 minutes in the opposite direction) and borrow some cash. A lot of swearing and mumbling under my breath later, I arrive at the church JUST as the funeral is getting underway.

The rest of that part remained flawless. From there (Bristol) I head to Yale to visit Martha and her triplets. Yup. Three mini Martha's joined the world Sunday at midnight, midnight, and 1 minute after midnight. This part of the story is only filled with awws and oohs. I have pictures but I can't upload them to this page just yet.  EDIT: Here are the much anticipated pictures I promised.  The first three are the day they were born, and the next set is 3 days later.  So stinkin small but yet so stink cute!

Mackensie Leigh     2lb0oz     13.75" 

Madison Lynn     2lb 11oz     15.5"

Morgan Lacey     2lb 13oz     15.75"

Mackensie a.k.a. The Little One

Madison a.k.a. The Twin (to Mackensie)

Morgan a.k.a. The Grabber and/or The Big One

So I left the hospital 2 hours later and headed home. I got to Old Lyme and guess what? The friggin gas light comes on. My options are go to gap and grab my debit card then find a gas station and pray I don't run out of gas.....or head home and pray I don't run out of gas. I should pray more often because obviously, I'm not doing it right. So, I called trusty ol' ma, met her at a gas station, and rectified the fuel issue. Tomorrow, I will be a) going to the gap, b) getting a debit card in my moms name just in case I lose mine, and c) learning how to pray.

I finally got home around 6:45pm, only to remember.....I was supposed to be at Lilly's school at 6pm. Oops?!?!?

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