Friday, March 25, 2011

Cupcakes. Dresses, and Laundry

So, I recently enquired about attending culinary school. I love to cook but could always stand to learn actual usable, definable techniques. The good news is that I would most definitely be accepted. I may have to sell my left leg to get there but that's OK right? God gave me two for a reason and its not like I cook with my feet....OK so maybe I'm going to have to work out the logistics a little beyond limb donation but at least there's a plan in motion. Just think, for your next function, you could be considering me as your caterer! Wouldn't that be fantastic??
Also in the works, are cupcakes for Lilly's school basket social April 2nd.  I recently had a bananas foster dessert and can I make this a cupcake?  Then I was watching Paula Deen this morning a lady from some cupcake book made TV Dinner Cupcakes and they were soooo freakin' cute I thought I could do that!  So, with bananas, some other ingredients, yellow candy melts, and (hopefully) enough time, I'll be banging out 4 dozen Bananas Foster cupcakes.....we'll see.  (Stay posted...if they're awesome enough, I'll post them here and on Facebook.)

So, after i decided this, I moved on to making Lilly's first communion dress.  Yeah, that's right, I know how to sew too!  I made her baptismal gown so it only seemed fitting that I'd bang out her communion dress too.  I went to Jo-Ann's to browse patterns and discovered a few things: 1) a 3-day sale at a fabric store means chaos filled with crazy quilting women....2) pattern selections for communion style dresses is VERY SLIM, and 3) unless you know what you're looking for, shopping at said fabric store during a 3-day sale is kind of like trying to find your lost contact lens in a swimming pool that has a water aerobics class going on.  Just sayin'.......In any event, the pattern and materials were purchased and tomorrow morning I will begin this venture....I'm hoping it only takes me the weekend (I didn't select a complicated pattern but I DO have a complicated child....)  Here's a preview of the dress that will be:


Anyway, this topic brings us to laundry.  Have you ever noticed that laundry and dishes are very much related??? I mean, you could spend allllllll day making sure you've washed every last one but ultimately, THERE'S ALWAYS ONE LEFT.  And then, that one can't be lonely so he finds a friend...and before you know it the hamper is overflowing and the sink is full again.  With that horrible depressing thought, I'll leave you to read someone else's blog.  Oh and hey, have you "Followed this blog yet????" THE HELL NOT????

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