Saturday, June 4, 2011

A Bitch Session

I haven't bitched about things in a while, so I'm going to get a few things off my chest now.  First, who in the hell decided that it was socially acceptable to wear your friggin pajamas out in public?  I don't care if its 2am and your baby needs Tylenol.  I don't.  Put some friggin jeans on, grab a BRA - your boobs are not acceptable hanging around your knees no matter what time of day or night it is - and would it kill you to run a brush through your hair?  Ugh.. Drives me insane.  The only time its acceptable to be in public in your pajamas is when you are 3 years old, and its PJ day at pre-school.  That's it.

Second, just because you have a dog, it doesn't make you a dog lover.  Dog lovers don't tie their animal outside for hours on end where it has limited access to water, food, shade, etc.  Dog lovers don't let their dog bark constantly hour after hour after God blessed hour.  I sleep with my dog.  I bake special treats JUST FOR MY DOG.  I threw her a birthday party for God's sake.  If Maddie is outside for any length of time, so am I and you had better believe that there is always ICE COLD water for her to drink, a soft place for her to lay down, and a shady spot to sleep in.  If Maddie is barking, I immediately investigate WHY and make her stop.  Obviously something is up.  I share ice cream with my dog and not like, oh, I don't want to finish this, here, you have it, share...I mean you have a lick, I have a lick.  I realize that that's a little extreme for some but truth be told, dog's mouths are very clean.  I walk my dog, run with my dog, take my dog to the friggin park...she's basically my other child.  If you can't own up to any of these things, you should seek another family for your dog because it is suffering.

Ok, my third and final bitch, if you are unemployed, and have bills to pay, there is NO EXCUSE not to find a job.  I'm not saying you should become a brain surgeon or find a cure for cancer.  The gas station down the street is looking for attendants.  The garbage company needs trash collectors.  Get a friggin' job and shut the hell up.  Take the shitty ass job for now, and when something better and more suitable comes along, stitch.  Nothing says you have to be a gas station attendant forever.  But, you do NOT get to complain that you have no money and can't pay your bills if you're too good to become temporarily employed somewhere.  OH, and further more, if you are unemployed, and too proud to take a shit job for a short time, DON'T YOU DARE go down to the SSA office and apply for food stamps, WIC, health insurance.  I bust my ass at those craptastic jobs so I can AFFORD to pay my bills and put food on the table not so you can be a lazy fuck who sits around drinking beer and smoking cigarettes (which I paid for - you're welcome).  Those shti jobs, in my opinion, will humble your ass and help you appreciate the good things in life.  AND, they build character, something you clearly don't have. 

I'm sorry...I got a little fired up there for a minute and I apologize but man, that burns me the wrong way.  Ok.  I'm done now.  I'm going to bake banana nut bread!

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