Saturday, May 21, 2011

The End of the World

Several years ago, someone very wise and very near to me said, "Carrie, stop freaking out.  It's not like its the end of the world.  Something good will come out of this.  There's always something 'earth shattering' before something really good.  That's what helps us appreciate the 'really good'."  I hope he was right because if he wasn't, I can't even threaten him anymore...jerk.  In any event, in the last year there have been more 'earth shattering bads' than there have been 'really goods'.  The most recent, my separation from the Gap.  Who would've thought that would happen?  I sure as hell didn't.  I can't say publicly why I left...and either can they...but it was enough that I was so stressed I spent an evening vomiting and then a whole other day 'stress pooping' - gross right?  Well, I wasn't too stressed because I knew he told me something really good would come out of it.  After 4 years of hearing "Why don't you do something with your degree?" it looks like I finally am.  I applied for a position YESTERDAY as a research assistant in the production of transgenic corn.  What the what???  I'm going to be part of a team of scientists who take the DNA from corn, mess with it a little, put it back in, and then grow BIGGER corn for feed.  Part of sustainable agriculture project...this is phase 3 of like 15.  So, not only do I ave a job now, I have a GREAT job now that looks to promise at least 25 years of continued employment, growth, and education.  Sweet.  In other news, the world was supposed to end today according to this link.  Obviously, I'm writing this now so it didn't if someone predicts 'earth shattereing' and it doesn't come true, is there still a 'really good' to follow?  Or does that not happen either??????

1 comment:

  1. Great advice from your friend. It's just hard to remember to chill, let it roll off while it's happening. I'm so glad you can see it now (looking back at those rough spots). Congrats on the High Tech Corn Farmer position. And Congrats for taking the plunge on this Blog - nice job!
