Wednesday, May 25, 2011

My Garden of...Weeds....????

So you've all seen the posts on Facebook showing my ridiculous garden.  It was born, if you will, when the lovely City of Norwich decided we had to hook into the city sewage.  They dug up our yard, poured in some disgusting fill, and we decided rather than seeding the lawn, we'd put in a garden bed.  It started off in a small circle and over the years grew a little here and a little there and so it came to be.  The last two years the poor thing has been HEAVILY neglected.  Not really our fault, life got in the way but, the beautiful flowers I planted were being overtaken by KILLER WEEDS!  They grow underground in massive root systems and then suddenly sprout up and cover the ground.  I learned today they are  called horse nettle. 

Horse nettle in a natural setting...looking relatively harmless.

Horse nettle's method of punishment to those who try to destroy it.

The mess that *was* my front yard.

And so I began, a little here and a little there, pulling and digging at the weeds that overtook my yard and garden.  Today, I am proud to report that with the help of a few members of my fire department and some shady mean, ummm......well, people who know people in a manner I care not to know about, I finished the front yard garden #1. 

Front view.

Now, I have absolutely no idea really what I planted other than a few obvious plants.  There are two different varieties of Iris, some lilies (of course), and Hastas...that's all I know.  The white flowers were "re-appropriated" out of a garden that was about to be destroyed...the purple things I thought were fun...oh and there are 2 front of the larger variety of iris (on the left hand side of the picture) there are two flowers I planted several years ago...I don't remember what they are.  Oh, there's a really tall one stalked flower with a big purple bulbly looking thing on it.....not sure what that is.  And my mom has a.....???? planted BEHIND the iris that blooms after the iris are done blooming.  I guess I should look into what's planted here huh???

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